Daily Solutions Podcast

Daily Solutions Podcast

The Russian Float Conference – OSP 08

October 14, 2019

Something in the world of floating have you stumped?




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Show Highlights

Graham and Ashkahn are back to give their recap on the Float Conference. No, not THAT Float Conference, the Russian Float Conference. 
The guys got to go speak at the float event on the other side of the world and are reporting back on what that was like, how their industry is shaping up, and some of the lessons we can learn about their industry over there. 
Additionally, Graham and Ashkahn lied to you. The show notes will not have a puppet show in them. 

Show Resources

rusfloat.ru - the website for the Russian Float Conference
Some of the centers that Graham and Ashkahn visited while in Russia:
Also, Ashkahn was not kidding about that half moon float tank. This looks like a trip!

Listen to Just the Audio

Transcription of this episode... (in case you prefer reading)

Graham: Okay.
Ashkahn: Hey, everybody.
Graham: How's it going over here?
Ashkahn: Yeah. I mean, it's going...
Graham: In the good old, wherever you happen to be residing when you listen to this. Or traveling. You don’t have to be living somewhere in order to listen to this.
Ashkahn: You having good weather over there?
Graham: Yeah. Are you? Huh? Answer me.
Ashkahn: Yeah,