Daily Solutions Podcast

Daily Solutions Podcast

Rise Interview with The Petrovics – OSP 05

August 05, 2019


Something in the world of floating have you stumped?




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Show Highlights

So by now it's old news that Chris and Donna Petrovics have closed up shop at ProFloat Inc. At Rise earlier this year, they gave an emotional, heartfelt farewell talk to the industry. There were tears, hugs, and words of love and encouragement all around.
This interview takes place immediately after their speech, and the effect of it still hangs in the air during our conversation. Be warned, this interview may make you misty eyed while listening. Although it's possible that it's just the chopped onions that exist in the background. 

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The Rise Float Gathering

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Transcription of this episode... (in case you prefer reading)

Graham: All right, welcome everybody. We have something a little bit different for you today.Ashkahn: Yeah, we were just out at Rise, the Float Gathering, out in St. Louis. It's a float event that happens every year put on by FLOAT STL out there.Graham: While we were off kind of gallivanting around having fun, Juliet got a chance to sit down with all of the speakers after their talks and ask them a few questions.Ashkahn: So yeah, we kind of have a couple speakers grouped together doing little group interviews that you're going to get to listen to over the course of these episodes.Graham: Yeah, so we hope you enjoy them. They're definitely great to listen to, even if you didn't get a chance to come out to Rise and see the talks liv...