Fixated | Comedians and their obsessions

Fixated | Comedians and their obsessions

Paul Duncan McGarrity is fixated on Warhammer, sudoku and World of Tanks Blitz! | Fixated Ep 4

November 06, 2014


Comedian Tom Goodliffe talks to funny people about their obsessions. In this episode, comedian and podcaster Paul Duncan McGarrity explains his past Warhammer fixation, his competitive sudoku streak and how World of Tanks Blitz is currently consuming his being. We find out how sometimes it pays to be tall in Games Workshop, what the plan is for when the zombie apocalypse hits London and we get distracted when we accidentally discover a new game - find two comedians that look the same.

Paul can be found at
on facebook at and on twitter @PaulDuncanMcG
His podcasts are The Tangentlemen and Origin Stories. Seek them out.

The music is Somehows and Somewhats from the album Deltas of Matacumbo by Cosmic Analog Ensemble. Used under a creative commons attribution 4.0 international license.