Fixated | Comedians and their obsessions

Fixated | Comedians and their obsessions

Brydie Lee-Kennedy talks BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | Fixated Ep 1

October 24, 2014

Comedian Tom Goodliffe talks to his funny friends about their obsessions. In this, the very first episode, Australian comedian, writer and cabaret performer Brydie Lee-Kennedy tells us about her love of Joss Whedon's masterpiece Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Click subscribe now to get the first 3 episodes of Fixated as part of our triple-decker launch!
Follow Brydie on twitter @BrydieLK and check out her website, You can also follow the podcast @FixatedPod and Tom @TomGoodliffe.
The music is Somehows and Somewhats from the album Deltas of Matacumbo by Cosmic Analog Ensemble. Used under a creative commons attribution 4.0 international license.