Fit, Fat, Fast!

Fit, Fat, Fast!

Ep 60 - How Sweet is Your Beat?

April 22, 2014

Debbie talks to Ronda Collier from SweetWater Health (the makers of our favourite HRV iPhone app, SweetBeat). What is HRV (beside an acronym for Heart Rate Variability) you ask? Well, HRV is a measure of the patterns embedded in the heartbeat and a reflection of the autonomic nervous system. The nervous system, heart rate, blood pressure regulation and respiration are under control of autonomic nervous system. HRV is an excellent indicator of many health parameters.

Aside from some Skype issues (likely due to Debbie’s Hawaiian vacation internet connection) this interview is full of excellent nervous system info, including:

1. Where is your relaxation place?

2. Why is measuring HRV important?

3. What is Heart rate variability vs heart rate?

4. What is the PNS and SNS? The nervous systems…

5. Exercise and the nervous system

6. Power Frequencies? LF and HF?

7. What is “normal†range for the power frequencies?

8. How to use Sweet Beat to manage stress during the day?

9. How can we improve our daily HRV?

10. Schedule in relaxation exercise in your weekly schedule

11. Adrenal Fatigue prevention or treatment with Sweet Beat

12. Setting Goals to build up healthy nervous system

13. Avoid overtraining with Sweet Beat

Make sure to go back and listen to Ep 47 – HRV: Don’t stop to you get enough for more Ronda (and more HRV).

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