Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Episode 19 – The ONE ACTION To Implement To Be Healthy

February 03, 2020

The ONE ACTION To Implement To Be Healthy
Want the secret to healthy? The magic pill to be healthy? The one tool you need in your arsenal to lose weight or achieve goals? Today, I walk you through the ONE ACTION that you can take to improve your health. Just one thing and your health with skyrocket.
In This Episode

* Introduction
* How To Be Healthy (0:26)
* Dieting (1:12)
* Eliminate Processed Foods To Be Healthy (2:21)
* There’s No Magic Pill (2:48)
* How To Reduce Processed Foods (3:33)
* Which Processed Foods To Eliminate To Be Healthy (6:33)
* Wrap Up

Welcome to the Fitasamamabear podcast. I’m Shelby, a certified strength coach, nutrition coach, mama to two, and all-around health nut. This show is about a little bit of everything healthy, fit and natural related. And if you’re striving to smash goals, eat better, feel better, and enjoy the occasional mom rant, this is the place for you. You’re listening into episode nineteens today where I’m ranting a wee bit on why you need this one tip to improve your health.
How To Be Healthy (0:26)
And here we are. I’m excited about this topic today because I went off on a crazy rant to a client the other day and realized that everyone else should probably enjoy my rants also.
So, I’m sure every single person listening right now knows someone who jumped into a diet for the new year, keto, carnivore, whole 30, paleo in order to be healthy. There’s a lot of them out there.
Maybe this is you yourself. And the truth is there’s a lot you can do to be healthy. Even the diets I just mentioned, technically still have a lot of perks to them.
But here’s the most basic step you can take today to be healthy, feel better, look better and live longer.
Are you ready for it?
Stop eating shit. Seriously, that’s the trick.
Each of the diets I mentioned have one major thing in common. They restrict or reduce processed food and that’s one of the reasons they work well.
Dieting (1:12)
I’m not a diet fan. They do each have some other perks going for them, but the biggest reason these changes produce results is because the person doing them cuts back on crap food.
Think about it. All of those diets eliminate or drastically reduce processed food. All you need to do is stop eating shit or at least reduce your intake to be healthy.
I’m pretty sure processed foods will truthfully be the death of us all. We’ve gotten so far away from eating legit foods it’s insane. Our daily food intake consists of fast food, burgers, packaged crap like chips, boxed side dishes. And then to top it off, crappy pre-packaged desserts.
Eliminate or stop eating processed foods. A lot of people ask me what this means and while it’s super clear to me, I realize that it may not be clear to everyone else.
So, look at where I came from: originally what I was eating long before I started my fitness journey. I didn’t cook, I lived off of restaurant pasta, McDonald’s, pizza pockets, and then our “fancy meal”, which is what we’d cook on Sundays, was normally some sort of protein and a sidekicks package, which is pretty much Kraft Dinner.
Eliminate Processed Foods To Be Healthy (2:21)
The reason you need to eliminate processed foods is because they’re terrible for you. That is what is causing so many issues within our bodies. They just don’t know how to process them.
They don’t know how to break them down. They’re loaded with sugars and oils that don’t make sense, and just they provide little to no nutritional value.