Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Episode 17 – How To Stay Motivated

January 06, 2020

Episode 17 – How To Stay Motivated
Starting to feel like it’s just not worth it? That the effort of hitting a workout is more than you can handle? Before quitting, join me today and listen to my biggest tips on how to stay motivated. As a seasoned coach, I know how it works. Even the best of us have off days. Learn how I tweak the system and find my drive to keep pushing and smash goals.

* Staying Consistent (1:13)
* Stay Motivated- Warm-Up (2:01)
* Training Only Playlist (2:15)
* Work Out At Home (3:41)
* At Home Fitness Equipment (4:31)
* The Aspects You Overlook (5:22)
* Change Your System & Your Goals (6:59)
* Wrap Up (9:22)
* Resources

Welcome to the Fitasamamabear podcast I’m Shelby, a certified strength coach, nutrition coach, mama to two, and all-around health nut. This show is about a little bit of everything healthy, fit and natural related. So if you’re striving to smash goals, eat better, feel better and enjoy the occasional mom rant. This is the place for you. You’re listening in to episode 17 today where I’m chatting about motivation and overcoming excuses.

Stay Motivated – Introduction
Hey everyone. So somehow we’ve jumped into a new decade and I’m still trying to kind of wrap my mind around it.
But to kick off the new year I wanted to get a jump on everyone slacking on their goals, I wanted to check in with you and give you a few pointers on how you can stay motivated at the gym.
So one thing that many newbies don’t understand is that even seasoned fitness junkies lack motivation from time to time. Believe it or not, we’re busy too. I’m a mama to two. I run 2.5 businesses from home and I live in sheer chaos. Trust me.
There are days that the last thing I want to do is get my ass out of bed, warmed up and into a workout before quite literally rushing out the door, but I do. And since next month is a month in which the majority of new fitness routines fail due to excuses, laziness, or anything else, I wanted to jump ahead of the game so that you can keep these tips in the back of your mind.
Staying Consistent (1:13)
Staying consistent doesn’t always mean motivated. Some days it means just showing up when I’m not feeling a workout or if I’m just tired and want to skip it.
Here’s a few things that I remind myself of why I’m working out, so believe it or not, my workouts are not vanity based:
My goal isn’t to look a certain way. I work out because I want to be able to play with my kids and because being strong is fun.
Those are two super important things to me, and unless you have a valid reason, a reason that kind of just digs deep inside of you that you’re working out for you’re more likely to bail on your workouts.
So, figure out why you’re working out and remind yourself of that every single time. Focus on just getting warmed up. This is a trick I’ve learned in the last couple of years before kids working out was way easier.
Stay Motivated & Warm-Up (2:01)
But obviously with kids, some days you’re just extra tired or you’re busy or you’re just blah. And what I do as I always tell myself that I’m just going to get warmed up,