Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Fit As A Mama Bear Podcast

Episode 16 – Why Body Ideals Are Ridiculous

December 27, 2019

Why Body Ideals Are Ridiculous
Join Serena and I as we have a good laugh about the insanity of body ideals. We won’t tell you to kiss your bat wings goodbye. Nor will we give you an easy answer for muffin tops. What we WILL do is break down why striving to spot reduce is silly and how your time can be better spent in terms of results.

* Serena Intro (0:47)
* The Worst Body Ideals (3:45)
* Why Marketing Body ideas Sucks (7:26)
* The Best Fitness Equipment (9:09)
* Core Strength For Moms (14:16)
* Which Exercises Are Best (17:40)
* One More Tip On Body Ideas (22:10)
* Wrap Up (23:12)
* Mentioned In The Podcast

Welcome to the Fitasamamabear podcast. I’m Shelby, a certified strength coach, nutrition coach mama to two and all-around health nut. This show is about a little bit of everything healthy, fit and natural related. So, if you’re striving to smash goals, eat better, feel better, and enjoy the occasional mom rant, This is the place for you. You’re listening in to episode 16 today where I’m chatting to the face behind the Facebook group life between weights, Serina Sutterfield and a certified trainer and a practicing yoga instructor, and today we are chatting about everything body-related. Thigh gap muffin tops and any other insane name you can come up with.
Hey everyone with me today is Serena, a busy mom of three trying to balance working on building her own business, taking care of her family and just trying to be happy and healthy without all the fluff and gimmicks.

Serena Intro (0:47)
I actually met Serena online on Twitter and we hit it off pretty instantly. We both love weightlifting, taking time to chill the F-out and helping other moms realize the insanity of the training industry.
I asked Serena to be on the right, I asked her because I wanted to chat a bit more in-depth about the craziness related to body ideals and the stress it places on us mamas.
But before we get to that and Serena, why don’t you give us a bit of a rundown on how you got to be where you are and what’s important to you?
I haven’t been an active person my whole entire life. This is something fairly new to me. After I had my third baby, she’s nine now I decided that I needed to feel better for them, for myself and to better be able to take care of them.
So, I started with yoga because I thought that looked pretty easy. It wasn’t.
Nope, it’s not.
I feel like it’s a pretty common misconception.
But after doing yoga for a couple of years, I fell in love with how strong I was getting. It’s all about strength. And then my husband and I started working out together.
And then the better I felt the more I wanted to be able to bring that to other people.
The topic for the podcast is perfect because I so closely relate to it. When I first started on my own fitness journey, I was so bombarded with, “blast your belly” and “you need to be size zero to be pretty”. Trying to navigate and learn all of that misinformation gave me the desire to help other people realize it’s bullshit and kind of help them navigate around it.
Oh my God yes. One biggest pet peeves I ranted about a lot when I was pregnant with both my kids, there’s a pin that circles around that’s called “how to have a belly only pregnancy”. The rage I feel when I see this pin just makes me go fr...