South Dakota Apologetics

South Dakota Apologetics

Latest Episodes

DNA Information and Error Correction
October 03, 2016

Since the discovery of the DNA double helix it’s been all but impossible to rationally account for what we’ve been finding biologically from a purely naturalistic perspective. What might have been known scientifically in Darwin’s day has now been far s...

Can Free Will Be Explained By Natural Processes?
September 30, 2016

If God does not exist then free will cannot exist. If, as it is in an atheistic worldview, we are just chemicals and physics then how do we get free will? Numerous high profile atheists recognize this problem and simply respond by saying the free will is

The Knudson’s Testimonies
September 23, 2016

Aaron and his wife Jessica share their Christian testimony at the E-Free church in Wall Drug.

The STR Seminar For You Part II
September 07, 2016

Join Aaron Knudson and Brian Johnson as they recap the last couple weekends of speaking engagements and discuss the Stand To Reason conference coming up this weekend!

The STR Seminar For You
August 30, 2016

Join Brian Johnson, Matt Irwin, Peter Irwin and Justin Hornbaker as they update our listeners on SD Apologetics events as well as the free upcoming Stand To Reason conference in September. You can register for the STR event here: REGISTRATION PAGE LINK

New Testament Reliability Part 2
August 23, 2016

In Part 2 of our podcast with Rob Ward we continue our discussion on whether or not the New Testament is reliable and what evidence there is that we can evaluate.      

Stand To Reason Seminar in September
August 22, 2016

If you haven’t heard by now, in about three weeks accomplished speaker and apologist Alan Shlemon of Stand To Reason will be right here in Rapid City September 10th & 11th. South Dakota Apologetics, in partnership with Family Heritage Alliance

New Testament Reliability Part 1
August 16, 2016

In this podcast Rob Ward joins us to discuss whether or not the New Testament is reliable and what evidence there is that we can evaluate.

You Won’t Think You Need Apologetics If…
August 07, 2016

With apologetics in mind, I have three important points for you to consider if you are a Christian. I urge you to think carefully about my responses to the points below and your feedback is welcome. You won’t be convinced you need apologetics if…

The Quest For Truth
July 31, 2016

Truth is taught to us, we hear it, we see it, from our first memory, till our last moments, we know or we think we know. Can these truths be known with certainty? If not how can we ever know anything but by experience? As a child I was raised a Christian