Growing Human(kind)ness project

Growing Human(kind)ness project

Latest Episodes

‘Cookie monster’ shows food’s powerful emotional bond
January 10, 2014 The 'Cookie Monster' is a fun way to teach my youngest about sounds of the alphabet and the letter 'C'. But this character from Sesame Street also represents

Why you ‘sugar-coat’ bittersweet life experiences
January 02, 2014

In this episode of the Growing Human(kind)ness Podcast, Karly explains why many of us use sugar and overeating to "sweeten" our challenging life experiences. I think we can all relate to Mary Poppins' phrase: "a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go dow

Another primary reason why you overeat
December 26, 2013

In this episode of the Growing Human(kind)ness Podcast, Karly describes how intense emotions can bring up anxiety and alarm and lead us to food to soften their intensity. Learn how relationship creates the safety to soften emotions without food.

Grandma’s pie? When you overeat for attachment
December 24, 2013

Sometimes the drive to overeat, like going to buy an apple pie and eating half of it before you know what's happened, can be explained by a yearning for connection and closeness with loved ones. With this understanding, you can find alternative ways of se

How to enjoy the holidays with less worry over food and overeating
December 12, 2013

Please enjoy the transcription of this week's audio blog: It is officially the holiday season, and Christmas party week, here in the United States. If you're struggling with food, it can bring up feelings of alarm, anxiety, or trepidation about these upc

How to honor your intentions in the afternoon slump
December 11, 2013

You know what it's like to wake up in the morning with good intentions about how you want to eat that day - only to lose them in the afternoon slump, when you're tired, worn out, and often hungry. When you lose momentum for your goals later in the day, o

How grieving heals your sugar addiction
October 22, 2013

These past few weeks, I've been talking about how to gently support your growth into healthier habits. This is in support of The 30 Day Lift group that begins on October 23, where we'll be using self compassion to eat less sugar. (There are a few class sp

How high sensitivity correlates to sugar sensitivity
July 09, 2013

I've observed a connection between those of us who are sensitive, intuitive, and empathic and a sensitivity to sugar and food and body struggles. We often take on the roles of "helpers" because we feel so deeply -- we are wonderful in this capacity. This

Are you a spirituality perfectionist?
July 02, 2013

In today's audio excerpt and blog post, I speak about my experience with perfectionism in the spiritual context. How many of us make ourselves wrong for not being 'better' spiritual practitioners? Contrary to what our minds often tell us, embracing our hu

How “allowing” our feelings graces us with greater peace
June 25, 2013

In this week's podcast episode and blog post, I talk about the practice of "allowing." By allowing our feelings to be what they are, in all of their messiness, we will ultimately find a surprising amount of release and greater peace. The audio excerpt com