Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Hunting for Stingrays (Part 2)

April 26, 2021

While law enforcement touts the benefits of cell site simulators, today we will talk about the negative impacts, as well. While the actual impacts are not documented due to secrecy, we have to wonder whether Stingrays could interfere with critical communications like 911 calls, for example. We also must understand that any tool can be used for good and for evil, by the "good guys" as well as the "bad guys". In an effort to bring more transparency, Cooper created Crocodile Hunter (a reference to Steve Irwin, who was tragically killed by a real-life stingray). Cooper explains how it works and how anyone can make one. And finally we'll talk about why it's so important to get out there and fight for more transparency. Cooper shows us what a difference this can make in your community with two very different situations in two US cities.

Cooper Quintin is a security researcher and Senior Staff Technologist with the EFF Threat Lab. He has worked on projects such as Privacy Badger, Canary Watch, and analysis of state sponsored malware campaigns such as Dark Caracal. He has also performed security trainings for activists, non profit workers and ordinary folks, and given talks about security research at security conferences around the world. He previously worked building websites for non-profits, such as Greenpeace, Adbusters, and the Chelsea Manning Support Network. Cooper was also an editor and contributor to the hacktivist journal, “Hack this Zine.” He has spoken at multiple black hat conferences about security issues ranging from IMSI Catchers to Malware attacks against journalists.

Further Info

BECOME A PATRON! Frontier Foundation (EFF): EFF’s Electronic Frontier Alliance: Crocodile Hunter project: IMSI catchers work: page on IMSI catchers: 5g won’t help: documentary: new Apress video: Maximum Privacy with End-to-End Encryption 
