Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Podcast

You Must Stop Reusing Passwords

February 10, 2019

Last week I told you about the literally billions of email addresses and passwords that were released by hackers as "Collections 1-5". I also told you how you can check to see if your information was contained in these (or other dumped data) by checking And today I'm interviewing the man behind this wonderful, free service: Troy Hunt! He tells us how he gets his hands on all of this data and what we should be doing to mitigate the damage from these inevitable breaches. The worst thing you can do? Reusing passwords on multiple sites!

In today's episode, I also reveal the winners of my Pod-Centennial contest! Five lucky people will be getting signed copies of my book, signed copies of Bruce Schneier's latest book (Click Here to Kill Everybody), and a selection of other cybersecurity books!

Troy Hunt is an Australian Microsoft Regional Director and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for Developer Security. You'll regularly find Troy in the press talking about security and even testifying before US Congress on the impact of data breaches.

Further Info

HaveIBeenPwned.comEthics of running a data breach search service: evolved:
