

Latest Episodes

TikTok's Citizen Army
March 12, 2024

Why did the attempt by the social media giant to mimic the 'Uber Play' ie, politicize its user base fail to work on Congress? Bradley parses the limits of the tactic he made famous and explains why Trump's flip-flop is not going to hurt him. Plus

The Quasi-Recovery of New York City
March 07, 2024

Compared to big American cities, post-pandemic New York looks pretty good. On the other hand, the mayor has a 28 percent approval rating, toothpaste is still kept under lock and key and we can't get a handle on mental illness or illicit drugs. Bradle

Unhappy Rich People
March 05, 2024

How can we restore a sense of balance and fairness to capitalism? Bradley ruminates on where our heedless pursuit of money and status is taking us. Plus, he proposes a remedy for immigration that is so simple it couldn't possibly work, except why the heck

What If the Election Ends in a Tie
February 29, 2024

Well, it cant *end* that way, obviously, but if the Electoral College is deadlocked at 269 a remote but not implausible outcome it will set off a process that could set a new peak of Trump era mayhem. Bradley plays out the thought exercise with Tom

My Wellness Routine is Killing Me
February 27, 2024

When you do everything imaginable to improve your mental and physical health, Bradley says, you run the risk of ruining your mental and physical health. Well, not quite. But you get the point. Bradley comes clean about his obsessive regimen and asks the q

Sevens Steps to Reduce Mass Shootings
February 20, 2024

The shooting near the Super Bowl parade was just another day in America. Fixing our culture of violence, says Bradley, will only come from a hard, grinding program of systemic change that addresses not just easy access to guns but the mental health c

The Epidemic of Dudes Who Don’t Read
February 15, 2024

The relative scarcity of male readers inspired Douglas Vigliotti to start a podcast called Books for Men. Like Vigliotti, Bradley is an exception, but as a bookstore owner, he's curious to know why the gender disparity exists and what can be don

"'The Bad Orange Man? I Took Him Out.'"
February 13, 2024

If you're wondering why Joe Biden refuses to give up on his reelection campaign, try imagining the way he sees himself as Bradley does in this episode and the answer becomes obvious. Plus, Bradley floats a game-changing plan for public subsidies 

Truth, Lies and Wikipedia
February 08, 2024

How does the non-profit open-source encyclopedia withstand the corrupting forces of internet culture? Bradley talks to Molly White, proprietor of the website Web3 is Going Just Great and deeply committed Wikipedian.This episode was taped at P&T Knitwe

The Veep Curse
February 06, 2024

The secret to Joe Biden's unpopularity may be that we have a hard time loving any politician who's been a Vice President. Plus, endorsements don't matter but Taylor Swift's would, does Mark Zuckerberg's mea culpa mean a damn thing and why the Knicks are g