Find Your Immersion

Find Your Immersion

011: Erica Barth

March 14, 2015

This is the woman who goes to a Spanish language class to "meet dudes" and instead meets a female Buddhist monk. Isn't that great karma? Set your intention and life gives you something different that you needed more than what you thought you need.
Erica Barth has mastered balance in life, but not just in the poses. Her practice flows off her mat and into the world because she somehow manages to run a yoga studio, teach yoga, and not lose her mind in the process.
Once a professional corporate warrior, she's traded in the powerpoint presentations for yoga pants and the uncertain income of a yoga studio owner. She credits yoga as the best therapy because during her yoga teacher training, Erica lost her mother forever.
The result should be a dour, negative person. Not so. The practice carries Erica through life into a life well lived. Well, look at her smile and you tell me. It's not about Erica, it's about the people she inspires.
It's just another NAMASday on Find Your Immersion.