Finding Our Hunger

Finding Our Hunger

UNpodcast 163: UNperformed (Magnoliah Black) - Finding Our Hunger

August 22, 2016

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.  – David Brinkley
Today’s guest is Magnoliah Black, a queer, fat, black performance artist, writer, Bay Area burlesque dancer, motivational speaker and eater of food in public.
In this episode we discuss:

* Why you need to live your life as if it were phenomenal
* How performance can be a tool to humanize your identity for others
* How to create space for people with marginalized identities
* How kink, embodiment, and no fucks given led to a one girl revolution

And more!
FACEBOOK: Magnoliah Black
FACEBOOK: Irene McCalpherin
BLOG: The ungrateful fat bitch

BY THE WAY: If you love the Finding Our Hunger podcast, you have FIVE great ways to support us:

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Thank you for listening – we appreciate you SO much <3.
WATCH: Gypsy
VISIT: Kitty von Quim
VISIT: Rubenesque Burlesque Troupe
WATCH: Juicy D’Lite Fat Camp number
WATCH: Jet Noir
VISIT: Burlycon
VISIT: Burlesque and Why
VISIT: Ellion Ness (age), Vagina Jekins (sex worker), Dottie Lux (eating disorders), Alexa Von Kickinface (boobs and safety), Lay Si Luna (being latina, but also non-binary)
SEE: Wonder Woman burlesque – Dee Dee Queen
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Keep dancing,