The Finding My Psych Podcast

The Finding My Psych Podcast

Advice To My Younger Self - Things I Wish I Knew In My 20s and 30s

May 28, 2023

“Would I understand in my 20s what I know now?…I’m not so sure!”

Taking a uturn after advice

Advice To My Younger Self

There are some things in my 20s and 30s that I wish I knew. Hindsight might be 20/20, but surely wisdom from later in life would have helped, right? In today’s episode, I provide 10 (plus a bonus) nuggets that I have gained over the years, advice that would have saved me some growing pains and heartache. I also fully acknowledge that advice from my 50s might not be comprehendible to myself when I was young. Our growth depends on a collection of experiences and time to absorb and process those experiences into who we become.

Episode Outline

FMP 86 – Advice To My Younger Self

  1. What We Do:
    • Promote wellness in mental health and substance use through the context of Health Psychology and Behavioural Medicine.
    • Providing easily accessible content designed to help you design your own transformative experience.

  2. Today:
    • Things I wish I knew in my 20’s and 30’s from wisdom gained in my 40’s and 50’s.

  3. How to Listen:
    • Can find this episode on podcast apps such as iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, etc.
    • Can watch on YouTube soon after each episode drop.

  4. Want to be a Guest?

Advice To My Younger Self

  1. Take notice of where you are right now and feel proud of persevering enough to get here.
  2. Maximize on experiences and minimize being absorbed in thought.
  3. Your body changes with age – Be proud of the body you have now and each year after.
  4. Gather lots of feedback and commit to none – The solution is a mix of them all.
  5. Avoid all things binary – You don’t have to choose – Do it all.
  6. Prioritize the people that travel with you year after year.
  7. Accept that there is a natural attrition of friendships.
  8. Have your own house in order to support others, but don’t wait for your house to be spotless.
  9. You have more money than you think – Have just enough to do the experiences – Don’t chase it.
  10. You are where you are at because of others – Be the other to others.
  11. *Bonus – Press pause before taking your next step.

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