The Finding My Psych Podcast

The Finding My Psych Podcast

Sue Williston: Hope, My Truth, and Lessons Along The Way (20 Questions)

October 08, 2020

“I don’t suffer fools gladly!”

Sue and Johnny spending time together

Interview With Sue Williston – Then and Now

We are proud to have Sue Williston back in the seat, this time as a guest on the Finding My Psych Podcast. About four years ago, Sue appeared on the Svelte Yeti Podcast (a previous Killick production) to talk about her recent health struggles with breast cancer, and her health focused mission moving forward.

Sue joins us today to discuss the events of the past four years, and answer 20 curated questions revealing her inner most thoughts and beliefs. We start the journey by asking Sue about her childhood, leading up to the present day. Sue speaks her truth, the life lessons she has learned along the way, with a message of hope the future.

Episode Outline

Welcome to 033 – Sue Williston

  1. What We Do:
    • Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology

  2. Check Out MAF Challenge.

Sue Williston Interview

  1. How We Know Each Other
  2. Previous Interview (four years ago)
  3. What’s Changed?
    • The impact of Covid19
    • Prior: Was focused on heath. What about now?

Twenty Questions Every Mother Should Answer (Huffington Post, etc.)

  1. What’s one of your earliest memories?
  2. Growing up, what did you think you wanted to do for a living?
  3. What was your first job?
  4. What was most important to your parents?
  5. What’s the most trouble you’ve ever gotten in?
  6. What’s the one thing your dad told you, but you ignored, that came back to bite you?
  7. Who were/are your role models? Who did you look up to when you were younger? Who do you look up to now?
  8. How have your dreams changed throughout your life?
  9. What’s something you always wanted to do but didn’t ― and why didn’t you?
  10. When did you know you were ready to have kids?
  11. Is the present year anything like you imagined it would be when you were growing up?
  12. What was life like for you at my age? (48yrs old)
  13. What advice would you give to your younger self at age 20? 30? 40?
  14. As you have watched other pass, how do you think about that? What does it teach you?
  15. What five things are most important in life?
  16. What role does faith play in your life?
  17. Define happiness and have you found it?
  18. If you could make one massive change in your life right now, what would it be?
  19. How would you like to be remembered?
  20. If you could have three wishes, what would they be?