Finding Felicity

Finding Felicity

Finding Felicity: Episode 8 - 'Drawing the Line, Pt. 2' (Or, 'Picking Up the Pieces')

November 16, 2018

Finding Felicity is a podcast where Pomonok Entertainment’s Teresa Jusino, a Felicity newbie, chats with rotating guest co-hosts who are already Felicity fans to talk about life, love, and growing up - no matter how old you are - through the lens of this coming-of-age television drama created by J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves.

Episode 8 of Finding Felicity is titled ‘Drawing the Line, Pt. 2’ (Or, ‘Picking Up the Pieces’), as it centers Julie's efforts to move on with her life after what happened between her and Zach.

Writer/director Chelsea Steiner joins Teresa once again to close out the two-part episode they began last week. Listen as they discuss the aftermath of Julie's rape, how annoying Felicity's "help" is, the fact that Teresa is now firmly Team Ben, and the behind-the-scenes controversy surrounding this episode's writer and guest star, Riley Weston.


Chelsea Steiner on Twitter: @chelseaprocrast

Chelsea's digital series, Thank you, Come Again, is NOW ON YOUTUBE!

The Mary Sue Rejection Line - for dudebros who can't take "no" for an answer (or for Felicity Porters with no chill): (646) 926-6614

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, there are resources that can help you. One of them is RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network). Visit their website, or call 800-656-HOPE (4673) 24/7 for support.

If a loved one of yours is an addict, and you need help coping, consider AL-ANON. There are meetings everywhere.

This week’s listener question: Are you pro-goatee, or anti-goatee, and why?

Answer on Twitter using the hashtag #FelicityPodQ

Email your stories to:

Comment on the discussion posts on Facebook and Instagram

**If you answer by Monday at 5PM, your response may be chosen to be read on next week’s podcast!**


Host/Executive Producer: Teresa Jusino
Twitter/IG: @teresajusino

Produced by: Pomonok Entertainment and Fanbase Press

Recorded at Fanbase Press Headquarters in North Hollywood, CA.

Edited by: Bryant Dillon of Fanbase Press

Logo design by: Noel Rivera

Finding Felicity theme arranged and performed by Dayna Webber.

Original Felicity theme composed by Larry Klein and J.J. Abrams and performed by Judith Owen.


Finding Felicity: Because coming of age never seems to stop.