Hustle to Financial Freedom

Hustle to Financial Freedom

Finding Financial Support with Scott Maderer (Inspired Stewardship)

August 11, 2020

Today we are talking with Scott Maderer.

After struggling with their own financial habits, Scott and his wife Carrie, changed their financial life and paid off their debt in 2009.

Since becoming debt free Scott and his wife have started a coaching business, Inspired Stewardship, to help others who are struggling to live out their own calling in life.

Scott is a certified Human Behavior Consultant, a member of the John Maxwell Team and is the host of the Inspired Stewardship Podcast.


* 01:02 – Intro* 01:56 – Scott’s Journey to Becoming a Financial Coach* 04:52 – What is Financial Coaching?* 06:30 – Consultant vs. Coach* 14:02 – The Initial Financial Coaching Call* 16:27 – What to Expect from Financial Coaching* 23:26 – What is a Financial Advisor/Financial Planner?* 26:03 – Financial Advisor Fee Structures* 29:30 – Financial Advisor vs. Financial Coach* 31:10 – Pay Off Debt or Invest* 33:42 – When to Call a Financial Coach?* 35:24 – Contacting Scott

Resources & Links:

* Financial Freedom Community* Financial Freedom Community Facebook Group* Inspired Stewardship

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*Intro and outro music is provided by Michael Cat Audio