Money Girl

Money Girl

Latest Episodes

9 Things to Stop Doing If You Want More Financial Security
January 18, 2023

I find that focusing on what not to do is a helpful way to reframe your financial situation, set better goals, and create beneficial money habits.

Roth IRA vs Roth 401(k): 10 Differences Investors Should Know
January 11, 2023

While digging into IRS rules about retirement accounts might seem wonky or something only a CPA should know, I promise it's worthwhile.

7 Things to Know Before Signing Up for a Healthcare Sharing Plan
January 04, 2023

You'll learn the main advantages and disadvantages so you can evaluate if joining a health sharing option is right for you.

7 Steps to Achieve Your Financial Goals Faster
December 28, 2022

Achieving your financial goals is all about feeling happy and secure. Use this step-by-step guide to set the right financial goals and achieve them sooner rather than later.

Your Guide to Creating a Financial Plan in the New Year
December 21, 2022

This show will guide you when youre unsure what to do with your money or want to focus on the best financial resolutions for the upcoming year.

7 Changes to Retirement Accounts in 2023 You Should Know
December 14, 2022

Let's get into the details on the new retirement changes and how to use them starting January 1, 2023.

9 Next Steps After Getting Laid Off or Leaving Your Job
December 07, 2022

I hope you and your career are doing great! But today, were going to talk about what to do if you decide to leave your jobor you get laid off.

8 Ways to Make the Holidays Less Expensive and More Memorable
November 30, 2022

The holidays are supposed to be filled with happiness and joybut they can also wreck your finances if youre not careful.

Tricks to Using Discount Points to Cut Mortgage Rates
November 23, 2022

Buying a home or refinancing a mortgage is a significant financial move! Laura helps you understand discount points, when to use them, and tricks to cut the cost of becoming a homeowner.

Pros and Cons of Buying Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
November 16, 2022

While certificates of deposit or CDs aren't the most exciting financial tools, they're predictable and safe.