Film45 - Filmmaking in the North

Film45 - Filmmaking in the North

F45:014 – Matthew Anderson, Theater People - Film45 - Filmmaking in the North

September 21, 2016

We’re back with local web series writer/producer Matthew G. Anderson, creator of Theater People. This comedic series features the “drama behind the drama” of the Twin Cities theater scene and is now in production on Season Four (yeah, four!).
In our chat we talk about his film start, his move to Los Angeles to write spec scripts, how being told “no” might mean another door opens right after that, how to control all aspects of your creations, and all about how to make something out of nothing with a bunch of fun and talented people. He’s such a good interviewee, I barely had to work. Enjoy.
Watch ’em all at
and follow along on facebook.