Fieldsports Channel

Fieldsports Channel

Latest Episodes

Fieldsports Britain - Hunting Night Wildlife
September 04, 2014

Out shooting foxes for a farmer, Roy Lupton comes across all kind of wildlife, including deer and - he reckons - a yeti (we DON'T reckon). Well, there's one big lesson to learn and that's backstop - when do you shoot and when do you not shoot?   It's the

Fieldsports Britain - Foxshooting Special
September 04, 2014

It's foxshooting night on Fieldsports Britain. Roy Lupton has a golf course to patrol. The foxes are messing up the greens and the only way to move them on is shooting. Meanwhile, Tim Pilbeam is lamping in style, from the comfort of his well appointed roo

Fishing Britain - Crunchy Frog
September 04, 2014

Gary Palmer the captain of the England Lure Squad takes the world class fly fishing master Hywel Morgan out on his boat, Wet ‘n’ Wild, to throw some frog lures out among the lily pads of Llangorse lake. Gary has caught a 21lb pike out of the very same

AirHeads - Funny Bunny Shooting
September 04, 2014

We are shooting funny-coloured bunnies in this week's show. James Marchington is on the Isle of Skye, where - appropriate for Scotland - the rabbits are redheads. That's not all. Roger Lait tries out his HFT skills on a peston control outing, Abbey Burton

Fishing Britain - PerchFECTION
August 22, 2014

Everthing you always wanted to know about perch fishing but were afraid to ask, in this week's show. Top predator angler Gary Palmer reveals his perch-fishing secrets to Hywel Morgan, Gary reviews the best fishing tackle for the job, and he reveals how he

Fieldsports Britain - Memorable Buck
August 20, 2014

Roy is hunting for the big buck in this week's Fieldsports Britain. Throughout the roe rut, he has been deerstalking carefully, thinning out the little roebucks. There's one possible medal buck and Roy has been leaving it until the end of the rut. With so

Zandermania! - Fishing Britain
August 16, 2014

It's Zandermania! the big fishing competition with the best predator fishers in the country to raise money for Team England Lure Squad. And it's not just zanders. Hywel Morgan gets wet, thinks West Wales is the Bahamas - he is saltwater flyfishing for bas

Fieldsports Britain - Straight Shooting
August 13, 2014

We've got foxshooting with lasers, gunfitting with Holland & Holland and a history of grouseshooting in this week's show: lots of techie tips and training tips to improve your shooting. Roy Lupton tries out laser sights on foxes, and has an argument w

Fishing Britain - Fishing fit for a King!
August 09, 2014

This week we've got salmon fishing expert Hywel Morgan and his wife Debbie lapping up the luxury of one of the very best Icelandic salmon lodges. We show you sharks and a drinking/fishing competition in news, happy carpologist Terry Doe shows us why its i

Fieldsports Britain - Best of British Bucks
August 09, 2014

This week on Fieldsports Britain we've got Dom Holtam cleaning up Andy Crow's fallow bucks on the first day of the buck season in England. Roy Lupton is enjoying the roebuck rut, plus he's keeping an eye out for foxes. Hunting YouTube finds more roe rut f