Fieldsports Channel

Fieldsports Channel

Fieldsports Britain - Tick Tech and Top Trucks

April 02, 2015

Hunters and shooters get the best new technology in their kit - and this week we showcase two of the best of the best: deerstalking clothing which gets rid of the bugs and ticks that carry disease, and a 4WD vehicle quiet enough for you to be deadly on rabbits and foxes.
We find a fabric designed literally to disorientate ticks when they try to attach themselves to it. Clothing made with this material is already having a major effect on the health of deerstalkers.
Meanwhile, Sporting Shooter editor Dom Holtam looks at another quiet revolution. He puts Mitsubishi's new Browning-branded 'hybrid' offroader through its paces: the PHEV.
That's not all. Sporting Rifle foxshooting expert Mike Powell talks through his top six 'desert island' calibres, there's a popstar posing with a pig in News, Hunting YouTube has boar, duck and foxes, and 'Hallo Charlie!' has a big fox shooting result from Australia plus - just in time for April Fool's Day - an American elephant hunt.  That's Fieldsports Britain - all you could want, from sublime to ridiculous.
Here are the links to the items:
✩  Lyme Disease 
✩  News Stump 
✩  'Hallo Charlie!' 
✩  Mitsubishi PHEV 
✩  Hunting YouTube 
✩  Outfoxing
Here are the links to Hunting YouTube
Reivax Films 
Eric Curetti 
Tok Poortvliet 
Juan de Dios Bonilla 
Saturday Night Live