Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Prayers for Healing Series: Day 6

December 06, 2013

As we progress into Prayers for Healing Series: Day 6, you’ll notice some minor similarities to previous days. Even so, do not be deceived. This is a pattern which we are purposely building upon. Today, we’re turning up the powerfulness that your prayers can manifest when you have INTENSITY. In other words, the right intentions and motivations for your prayers. You want them heard and answered by God ASAP! And in powerful ways!

Let’s get started. In order to be effective and ramp up the intensity of your prayer life, plus spark big differences in your health, you need to:

  • Be thankful for what you already have. Many people (especially the really sick) begin to catastrophize each and every symptom or event. They act as if when the going gets tough, they want to scream, “I can’t handle this!” The more subtle may nit pick at problems, instead of looking past them to a possible solution and the rainbows that hopefully will follow.

  • Know that if you’re really ill, you may not feel like Miss or Mr. Jolly every moment of the day. Know that you still can take moments, minutes or hours here and there to be thankful for the health, blessings, family and friends that you have.

It’s human nature to notice the most cheerful person in the room and surely God is no different. Ask yourself…is He here to help me in my worst moments? Of course, He is! But it surely thrills His heart so to witness you being happy and appreciative.

Don’t let people notice you because of your negative mood. How does one stop such an unseemly habit? By making a new one. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to dwell in a depressive mood for too long. If you’re forcing the change at first (to be more positive), go ahead and do it. The wisdom in this is simple if you think about it. If you’re smiling, people will smile back at you. If you’re pleasant to be around, people will want to be near you. Before you know it, you’ll have some new, upbeat friends and even “illness” can’t keep you “down”.

Okay. Click below to get Day 6′s prayer. It’s powerful. After you’ve finished listening to the podcast and reading the words, let me know how much all six of these steps are affecting you.

Cinda Crawford, your host of the Health Matters Show

MP3 File

Prayers for Healing Series: Day 6

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come to you asking that you allow me to be even more bold today than during my previous prayer days. May I recognize more complete information about each revelation. I may be stuck in many ways, yet deep down I know that you are the ultimate source for helping me to heal from this. As I have worked on the last assignment, I realized that wonderful and astounding changes have begun to take place within me. I am excited!

Please allow the process to continue exponentially, especially when working with feelings of being wounded. Change any attitude that carries such “woundedness” as a badge of honor or entitlement. Erase it and enable me to have new, positive energy instead. The old negative perceptions are negative; they do not aid me in the long run, if they ever did.

Yes, Lord, I ask for intensity in my healing. To be casual or naively negative does not promote my ultimate recovery or transformation. It would not help me maintain positive-minded attitudes or actions. And, quite importantly, it does not facilitate the development and maintenance of my new, long term health goals.

Heavenly Father, I ask that You show me how to be totally honest with myself. I want to achieve great health success. May I continue this journey with You, no matter how long it takes. Help me to ultimately heal in You, Christ Jesus. In doing so, may I lay aside being wounded and expect Your healing instead. In Your Holy name I pray Lord Jesus,


*Remember: it’s intensity that you want in this process. Don’t be afraid to delve deeply into the issues in life that you’re most hung up on. Your health problems likely spring from these very sources! You want God to take away any power they hold over you so that you can begin to heal.

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