Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Causes and Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

October 25, 2013

What are the causes of Fibromyalgia? Let’s talk about some of them today. No one cause is considered “the” universal cause or trigger that happens when someone becomes sick with the illness. Two predominant factors that I have found in helping people get well from Fibro are to begin dealing with ANY occurrences of #1) physical trauma such as when you’ve been in an accident; and when you are #2) experiencing too much emotional stress caused or triggered by past events, people or current circumstances.

*This latter type, emotional stress, can manifest as physical symptoms, too. Yes, real damage from a mental, emotional or psychological trauma can trigger an illness like Fibromyalgia! What you’ll probably find most interesting is that physical stress can often be handled and cured faster and easier than the damage from emotional stress. Curious how that works, but emotional issues are so directly tied into each part of us that it often takes something special to deal with them adequately. (Not drugs.)

This point is surely part of the reason why I’ve found it helpful in the healing process to look at all possible causes of Fibro, but especially those related to the broad category of “trauma” and any long term emotional issues. The latter may be deeply buried within because they are tough to deal with. However, by using the right approach, I’ve found that even these tough wounds can be successfully dealt with and healed! *Please listen to the podcast below -and then- read on to find out more causes and symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

MP3 File

Wounds from emotional trauma and damage are often invisible wounds. People hide behind brave smiles. Other times the stricken may act shy, awkward or disbelieving that good news is possible. Some end up hostile and fighting mad at the world. I could not possibly add up how many people have told me over the years that there is no way that they can get well. They believe they will be sick forever and the only thing that can possibly help them is a magic drug! This is tragic.

So what is the result? These people remain sick with Fibromyalgia or hopelessly stuck on some combination of prescription drugs. Sadly, such people often get the least consideration by family, friends and society in general and the poorest quality medical care. They are dismissed, thought of wrongly and unfortunately treated with less respect than they deserve. Even so, if they maintain a defeatist attitude, that does not help how they come across to others. The cycle can easily get out of control

For you today I also have a list Fibromyalgia symptoms and you’ll find it below. Read and study, but most importantly, do not discount the mental, emotional or psychological components of this illness. That’s because it is very true that “Where the mind goes, the body follows.” The mind believes and causes to manifest what you tell it is true. If you believe you’re “sick” and cannot get well, it is unreasonable to expect a different outcome! *Start today changing how you “talk” to yourself. You may find the conversation lighter and more loving.*

The Major Symptoms of Fibromyalgia:Widespread muscular and joint pain for three months or more. They may include aching, stiffness, tenderness joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Sometimes the tissue will feel knotty. Pain may appear in more than one place at the same time. Sometimes lots of different body parts are affected. The pain can appear both above and below the waist. The pain is often felt in the muscles themselves, but also where the ligaments attach to muscles and bones.

Extreme tenderness: felt in specific “tender points.” *See below.

Lack of sleep: most patients report a worsening of their sleep quality and actual time asleep each night. “Non-refreshing sleep” is another clinical term use that means a general lack of getting enough time spent in Stage 4 sleep.

Fatigue: Some people experience fatigue more as a lack of stamina, muscle endurance or extreme tiredness. Others describe the symptom as an all-over-the-body lack of energy. *If you have sleep problems, this can be a major source of feeling increased fatigue.

Tender point or trigger point pain originates from localized tender areas of the body. Each point is capable of bringing on widespread pain and muscle spasms when touched. Ouchee! The human body has at least 18 tender points spread out in four quadrants. They come in pairs on each side of the body, both above and below the waist. (Picture drawing a vertical line from head to toe. Then draw a horizontal line across your waist. You’re left with 4 quadrants. The tender points usually shows up as mirror-image pairs.)

Specific tender points are:

At the base of the skull at both neck muscles;

Midway between the neck and shoulder (both sides);

Muscle over upper inner shoulder blade (both sides);

Two centimeters below side bone at elbow (both sides);

Upper outer buttock (both sides);

Hip bone (both hips);

Just above knee on inside (both knees);

Lower neck in front (both sides); and

Edge of upper breast bone (both sides).

Fibromyalgia symptoms can be aggravated by stress, anxiety, depression, hormonal changes, cold environments as well as a change in weather.

Coexisting symptoms with other illnesses is common. Up to 70% of patients have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; 50% have multiple chemical sensitivities, and supposedly 75% have a psychiatric diagnosis. (I take issue with that statistic. I suspect that many psychiatric symptoms stem from the stress of dealing with Fibro. The body is dealing with a lot of “life stressors” at one time! They can vary from HPA, hypothalamus pituitary adrenal, axis dysfunction to a host of other causes in the body. If any major system is dysfunctional, you can count on multiple symptoms showing up!

Other symptoms that may accompany Fibromyalgia are Raynaud’s syndrome, tension headaches, migraine headaches, dizziness, tingling and numbness, an irritable bowel, muscle tremors, bladder spasms, and blurred vision.

Surely there are more causes and symptoms of Fibromyalgia. We didn’t even touch on the immune system or the possibility that Fibromyalgia could be an autoimmune reaction. Dear One, I urge you to keep investigating to find the best answer for you.

Note: in helping a new client lately, I developed a series of prayers that allow anyone to begin the healing process with the best and most reverent approach. I plan to share them with you next week… so stay tuned. In the meantime, please leave your comments below or rate the Health Matters Show podcast on i-Tunes. :-)

Thanks so much, Cinda Crawford

Host of the Health Matters Show

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