Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Health Success: What It Looks Like!

August 30, 2013

Health Success- 8436011566 Julian Partridge FlickrHealth Success- Do you ever wonder what it looks like?

For me, it is this blog and podcast, the Health Matters Show. It’s been running continuously since the spring of 2008!

I’ve brought you helpful information, interviews and more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and lots of chronic illnesses. Many experts and authors have added special touches of information. Hopefully my story, my encouragement and my proddings for you to do what you can to improve your health have added to your body of knowledge and have encouraged your heart.

Last week our topic, “Health Failure: What It Looks Like!” was bare bones information. I briefly described the circumstances of when I got so ill, why I think it happened as it did and what my outcome is today. One of 95% recovery!

MP3 File

I say all that with total humility. God brought me through a deep valley with many crags, peaks and lessons to learn “the hard way”. It wasn’t a fast trip. Over fifteen long and painful years, I struggled to gain the knowledge I needed to know about “how” to get well. It came slowly at first, but when I hit upon the information concerning spiritual and energetic healing, it came much faster.

There were times when I could scarcely believe my improvement. Other times, I had to remind myself to be patient and “wait on God.” Now, I know that although I’m only 95% well (*my tongue is in my cheek), God still has great things in store for me. I await His whisperings, His promptings, His words of wisdom for my heart.

Dear One, I fervently wish for you to experience your healing, too. As I develop more courses in how you can gain this type of healing acumen, I promise to present it to you. Right now I’m writing furiously and composing a new course. In the mean time, expect your own miracle. Expect more than one! Ask God for exactly what you want…YOUR HEALING. Then see what He says back to you.

Your health success and what it looks like may be different than anyone else’s experience, but it will be your new health when it arrives. For that, be prepared to rejoice at what might have been before…almost unthinkable.

For you today, I’m Cinda Crawford,

Your host of the Health Matters Show


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