Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

How to Get Healthy

August 09, 2013

How to Get Healthy is our topic. Great health (as opposed to poor, chronic health problems) is the goal. Unfortunately, many people with chronic health problems get stuck in a rut. They think that they will never get really healthy again. That is sad and not where you want your thoughts to be.

Instead, think. …What do you need to change to instill a drastic “positive health” change? What attitude do you need to adopt? What attitudes and habits need revamping? The answer will probably be quite a few things. Let’s begin today because “How to Get Healthy” may be just beyond your reach now, but it is oh so close as you move towards the goal!

First off…

MP3 File

  • Truly change your thinking. Better health is always possible. You may or may not be able to totally reverse a chronic illness condition, but oftentimes you can make it better, lessen its impact on your life and improve your overall “living” level.

I began to change my thinking when someone told me I could do it. Now, that was a revelation. My thinking needed to expand to the possible. That started the ball rolling for me. Next came the introduction of thinkers, writers and health technicians such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Candace Pert, David R. Hawkins, Ph.D., and many, many alternative health practitioners.

  • Find some motivating books that speak to you. Delve into some the authors mentioned above. Immerse yourself with their principles and begin to adopt some new healthy ways and attitudes.

Note: the reason I suggest that you find books and principles that speak to you is because what encourages you to move forward may not be the same material that moves someone else to act. Keep researching until you discover information that makes you smile and gives you hope.

  • Next, begin to slowly adopt the principles of this material or teacher. And, don’t get bogged down. Make this a daily ritual! Get a new notebook and write down each portion of these changes that you’re making. As you see results (negative or positive), write them down. With the brain fog that accompanies some chronic illnesses, you don’t want any added pressure of trying to remember a timeline, details or what happened with whom.

Trust me, these writings will become your best long term asset. If your doctor asks you a question, you can refer back to your notes. Be sure to include all supplements you’re taking. If you file an insurance claim or disability application while you’re waiting to get well, you can answer any questions about when a symptom occurred and how it is changing…or not changing. Writing down your health life is like writing your legacy. You never know when such material could become critical. And long term, it provides a road map of how your health was and is.

  • Pick a time period to “analyze” what is happening in your quest to get healthy. It may be every two weeks, a month, six months. Your rate of progress will depend on you, no one else. What someone else did in six weeks may take you longer. What took another person six years may only take you four months!

  • And last but not least, be open to change. As you put down your old battle armor of “being sick”, new attitudes, new goals, new avenues of how to achieve your new health goals will begin to arise. This happens when we give up the old mantras. New information will appear. New ways will seem possible and doable. New people will show up in your life. And surely, new and healthy attitudes will and can be developed by YOU!

In the coming months, I am developing a complete, new course for you to help you with this long term goal and purpose of “How to Get Healthy”. Start now to take your health into your own hands and take up the challenge!

PS- this blog post was developed today based on the answers from last week’s blog post. It’s not too late to take the Health Quizz. :-)

Thank you. I’m Cinda Crawford,

Your host of the Health Matters Show

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