Health Matters Show

Health Matters Show

Healing From Inside Out- Part 2

July 12, 2013

BaconAndEggs- Robot B- 4252311677In continuing our discussion on “Healing From Inside Out“, let’s jump forward a bit. You’re sick and more unhealthy than you’d like to be. You’re trying to re-establish your health and begin down a healthy road again. You believe that you can achieve your health goals. You desire healing to whatever degree is possible for you.

Well, if you are to heal and your body take on a new persona of being and functioning healthier, you are not only seeking healing from the inside out, but you also have to begin from healthy cells out. Yes, each individual cell is important to you achieving your best level of health.

That’s why last week’s info about a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle are the best framework for producing healthy cells. You want to shed the unhealthy ones (a.k.a. apoptosis) and promote ultimate wellness in the new ones being born. One of the best 5-point paths for achieving this goal begins with:

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  • Eating right,
  • Thinking positive,
  • Sleeping well,
  • Living spiritually every day at the feet of God and
  • And being aware that the results you ultimately want must come from a great beginning– the birth and environment necessary for healthy cells.

Begin with point one. Then stay consistent.

“Wait a darned minute,” you object. “How do I know what is best for me to eat? There’s too much confusing information…everywhere!”

Depending on your illness, there are many great books and experts out there to guide you on how to eat right (best) to reduce and/or alleviate your symptoms. Take for example this one person I know, me. Years ago I cut out aspartame as one part of my plan to get well from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I knew it wasn’t good for me and sure enough, I feel better without it. After years of working diligently at my health and learning what it would take for me to achieve real healing, I am grateful for being quite well. I’m not perfect, but much healthier and happier.

Even so, my weight and cholesterol have been too high for a long time. Common medical advice is eat less, cut down on meats, cheeses, eggs, fats and, finally, get more exercise. Well, I have cut down on the quantity of food and how often I eat, but mostly I’ve changed what I eat. On a new diet, I’ve lost 25 pounds in about 8 weeks. I exercise some, but I’m hoping that area will improve, too, as I get smaller. Specifically, the foods I eat are meat, eggs, cheese, good fats (e.g. olive oil) and lots of green veggies, with a few exceptions. Not only is my weight down, but my cholesterol has dropped over 20 points and my triglyceride level is now stellar and better than it’s been in twenty-five years!

My point in telling you this is that many doctors would say this eating plan cannot be good for me and will ultimately lead to unhealthy eating consequences. For me, that’s not the case. As you, another person who wants to feel better, go about your task of figuring out the best way to handle “your” dietary health needs, be diligent in determining what is best for you. YOU. If you do have bad food habits that have lead to unhealthy eating consequences, it’s time to make a drastic change. Just imagine feeling better and achieving your health goals by eating “gluten free”; if so, then that’s right for you. If you feel better and have fewer symptoms by eating vegetarian fare, do that. But all of these dietary plans come with a caveat: you must actually get healthier. You want healing to begin right away. Remember, from healthy cells out!

*One poignant example that could get you into trouble: you don’t want to become B-12 deficient on a vegetarian diet.)

Doing this right may require you to study and get recommendations for eating right (correctly). I cannot and will not suggest the best route for you because I’m no dietician. However, like most people, I have a head on my shoulders and I can make sensible decisions of how I will eat to maintain my health. Note: it’s not scoffing down two candy bars a day even though “we” love chocolate! :-)

Today when you leave the Health Matters Show blog, I hope you take a moment to really ponder these ideas. Next week we’ll talk about the value of positive thinking, how and why you should develop that habit if you want to be healthy and how to go about this by using your power of intention.

On a very personal, private level, take time to be still. Listen to what your mind, body and spirit are trying to tell you. The small, whispery voices will only snag your attention when you quieten your world. Block out the noise, tires screeching and screaming demands of everyone. Wisdom about diet and all aspects of life can be yours if you seek it out in spiritual, reverent approach.

Then come back to share with us all the wise things you’ve learned if you like. Always remember that your ultimate goal in doing any self-examination processing is actual healing from the inside out.

Now…please, leave a comment with your thoughts. I always appreciate you sharing information from the Health Matters Show.

Cinda Crawford, your host

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