This Girl Means Business

This Girl Means Business

Why you should have a goal review session with yourself

September 26, 2014

Wow. We're into the last quarter of 2014 (or at least we will be tomorrow!).

I'm pretty convinced that time is speeding up! Where has this year gone? Does anyone else feel like this year has flown by?

Anyway, as there are only a few months left of the year I decided to have a little goal review session with myself, because even though this year is winding to a close, now is the time to take it to another level and close with a bang (a good one).

Now is the time to focus in on our goals and MAKE THEM HAPPEN. We still have time!

The challenge I find with goals is that often things get in the way of them... life, time, money, circumstances outside of our control. But the biggest thing of all that gets in the way (normally) is ourselves.

That is why it's soooo important to make the time to have a little goal review session with yourself.

This week I'm sharing the questions I asked myself during my goal review session and what I uncovered AND what I intend to do about it now.

Have a watch below and then spare 10-20 minutes today to do the same thing...