This Girl Means Business

This Girl Means Business

5 Things To Try When You're Struggling To Reach Your Goal

August 05, 2014

Have you ever set yourself a goal and really, really wanted to make it happen, but for some reason you just didn't seem to be able to?

This is something I've experienced many times and it led me to ask the question "how come sometimes I do reach my goals and other times I don't? What am I doing differently?" I wondered whether it was because of lack of knowledge, lack of time, lack of money.

But I think at the heart and soul of the problem is one major thing...


And it kind of makes sense when you think about that fact that people say that success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics.

When I thought more about it and got honest with myself I realised that with all the goals I didn't reach, I did really know they steps I needed to take, there were things I could have done to make progress... but I didn't, because my psychology/mindset wasn't truly aligned with my goal.

So even though I did really, really, really want to reach my goal, there was so much conflict going on inside of me (that most of the time I wasn't even aware of), which was preventing me from reaching my goal and making me feel hopeless about it all.

When I realised what a huge impact my mindset was having on my success I decided it was time to learn more about the psychology of success and start implementing some good strategies in my life, so that I could have breakthroughs.

So if you're in need of a breakthrough or just want to learn some incredible things to help you get the psychology for success have a listen. I shared 5 of the best lessons about success I've ever learned (all of which I learned from the amazing Anthony Robbins), that have helped me so much...