This Girl Means Business

This Girl Means Business

How to Make Miracles Happen

November 04, 2013

A few years ago I was feeling really low. I didn't really know what I was doing with my life anymore, I felt confused, lost and frustrated, so I made the decision to figure out how to make miracles happen in my life.

I went on a mission to learn as much as I could about personal development, tapping into the power of the mind and getting what I wanted in life. At that point in my life I didn't know how to figure it all out, I didn't know how to get out of the rut I was in, but I did know that I could learn. So that's what I did.

I began to realise that getting what you want is no accident. In fact, it seemed to me that there was a process people were following in order to make what they want happen. Things that I, or anyone else could do. So I began to test out these strategies.

I tried soooo many things, that if I made a video on them all it would go on for hours! But in this week's episode I thought I'd share a fun little thing I started to do and the process I started to follow to help me start making miracles happen in my life (not miracles as in being able to fly, but miracles as in shifting my life into the right direction and achieving what I wanted). Have a listen...