This Girl Means Business

This Girl Means Business

Overcoming money struggles & creating financial abundance

October 21, 2013

Money struggles… we’ve probably all been there at some point or another in our lives! But as entrepreneurs when money struggles kick in, it can feel a million times worse because you, and you alone, are responsible for the financial stability of your company (in most cases anyway!). Starting and running a business isn’t cheap either, so sometimes it’s hard not to run into trouble with money. I’ve been there myself and honestly when I was there I remember having days where all I wanted to do was cry, because I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to figure it all out. The crying part made me feel better, but it didn’t actually help the situation! But learning how to create financial abundance did.

Creating financial abundance is something all of us want – we not only need it, we deserve it, but so many people struggle to make it happen. So, in this week’s episode I interviewed Kate Northrup, the author of Money a Love Story (a brilliant book if you’re looking to improve your relationship with money), she shares her top tips on overcoming money struggles and creating financial abundance.