Episode 82 | NecroComicon Non Attendus!! - FEED IT COMICS!

July 14, 2015

San Diego Comicon happened and your faithful hosts did NOT attend. Bruce Campbell attended. Bill Murray attended. Lots of people attended. Sigh...

What's lousier is Father Shepherd hasn't even been able to dip into any news feeds to see what all the hub-bub is. It is because of this unfortunate ignorance he shall not be joining Doc Fluxx for this Comicon News episode, however, in his stead is real time guest Nicholas Prom from Comic Reflections! (http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/comic-reglections/comic-reflections?refid=stpr)

You're in for an hour and a half rapid-fire recap of as much Comicon news and knee-jerk reactionary opinions you can stomach. That is barely enough time to rake through the essentials, but what the hell do you want from them? They are only human. Humans who could not physically attend Comicon...

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Music by Doc Fluxx and Disasterpeace

FIND US ON TWITTER: Doctor Fluxx (https://twitter.com/DoctorFluxx) | Father Shepherd (https://twitter.com/rdsthebarbarian)  | Feed It Comics (https://twitter.com/FeedItComics)!