

F26 – Fairy Tales

February 25, 2015

Catch up on all the Febooaries Topics in this DropBox Folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u4g5pg3hm0u4o6t/AADUuc9DJRbyit9BQbdQaiR9a?dl=0).

Gather around make yourselves comfortable. Fairy Tale Day is about exploding myths, urban legends, stories so dip in to the dark corners of your subconscious and tell us a fairy tale.

Make up a story, be creative. Share it with us.
If you're not feeling creative, you answer the following questions.

What is your favorite love story?

What is your favorite bedtime story?

Who is your favorite author of children's stories?

Do your children have a favorite fairy tale? What it is?

What's your favorite campfire story? The stories that were told to scare you at camp.

Name a story you heard as a child that made you sad or cry.

What story didn't you understand as a child but you do as an adult?

What is your favorite urban legend?

Favorite fairy tale?