

F25 – Favorites, Signature, Preferences

February 24, 2015

Catch up on all the Febooaries Topics in this DropBox Folder (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u4g5pg3hm0u4o6t/AADUuc9DJRbyit9BQbdQaiR9a?dl=0).

What is your FAVORITE...

* article of clothing,
* perfume/cologne,
* month of the year,
* way to renew your energy,
* color,
* take-out food,
* game (online, app, board, video, arcade)
* TV show (past or present)
* genre of music,
* family tradition,
* holiday,
* sport to watch,
* concession stand food,
* amusement park ride,
* social media platform,
* saying/quote,
* topic of conversation.

What's your signature....

* Greetings
* Sign-off

Do you PREFER...

* to watch or participate,
* to lead or follow,
* to type or use long hand,
* to use pen or pencil,
* mall shopping or online shopping,
* bath or shower,
* to talk to people ... face-to-face, telephone, text, email.