Fear Initiative: Dungeons and Dragons and Horror

Fear Initiative: Dungeons and Dragons and Horror

Latest Episodes

The Foolish Brave
May 28, 2020

The city is plunged into a massive battle as thousands converge on the castle in an all or nothing fight to save New Kaladurh.

Showdown at Castle Kaladuhr
May 21, 2020

Tired of hiding, McQuaid makes preparations to end this plague once and for all. 

The Hanging Tree
May 14, 2020

From one danger to another, our adventurers make their way out of the Shadowfell and into a city full of deadly spiders. Yup, yup, good plan, good plan.

A Shadow Of Its Former Self
May 07, 2020

Whether they choose to stop the evil, save the innocent, or run get help, our adventurers realize all their choices lead them back into the city. Meanwhile, McQuaid has a few stern words for the young newcomer to the group.

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Wight
April 30, 2020

Faced with a no win situation, the group must decide whether to stay and die or live to fight another day.

Studies in Ritual Killing
April 23, 2020

As Rael and Nightshade fall victim to a curse,  Barington must make a difficult choice that is sure to haunt him forever.

Dawn of the Shadowfell
April 16, 2020

As the shields are raised, darkness falls on New Kaladuhr.

Nothing But Bad News
April 09, 2020

An old friend comes back for a chat, but no one is in the mood to talk.

A Problematic Solution
April 02, 2020

What looks like a last resort may quickly become the only way to protect the city.

His Name's Not Barry
March 26, 2020

Cecil mysteriously vanishes, but the team find themselves joined by a new recruit. A strange warehouse requires investigation