Full Disclosure with Eric Barry

Full Disclosure with Eric Barry

FD 152: Peter Kim on Comedy, Being Closeted, and White Privilege

September 08, 2015

This week improviser and comedian Peter Kim steps into the bedroom. Peter is the founder of Endgames Improv, an improv training and performance center in San Francisco. But it was a complicated and repression-filled road before Peter, who now lives and performs in Chicago, was able to become the comedic presence that he is.
We begin by talking about Peter's upbringing in New York in a conservative Korean family. Despite Peter being gay, he never even considered that homosexuality a possibility given the heteronormative paradigms society and his family's Christian faith had implanted in him. But it was in high school that Peter met and developed a crush on  Mike, a male friend with whom he'd have frequent sleepovers and snuggle sessions, but all without any mention of explicit romantic feelings.
Peter goes on to tell us about his continued feelings for Mike in college, and his continued efforts at avoiding sex with women, including the tremendously horrible way he lost his virginity. 
After college Peter set out to San Francisco where he began performing standup comedy. But it wasn't until a visit to New York's UCB theater that he discovered an improv show called "Your Fucked Up Family" that would change everything.
We continue chatting about the inception of Endgames, its meteoric rise, why Peter ultimately decided to move to Chicago, and the struggles of being a non-cis-genered straight white male in comedy.
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