Full Disclosure with Eric Barry

Full Disclosure with Eric Barry

FD 142: 'The Overnight' Movie Review, Rachel Dolezal

June 16, 2015

We have a fantastic show this week! We review the new Adam Scott, Taylor Schilling, and Jason Schwartzman movie "The Overnight", we talk about the Rachel Dolezal NAACP debacle, and lots more!
Joining us is comedian Mary Zee, plus improvisers Kristen Rau, Roman Simmons, and Molly. We start things off by talking about Rachel Dolezal, and what racial identity means. Many have compared the fluidity of racial identity to that of gender identity, which we discuss. Roman also weighs in with his experience as a black American, and Kristen talks about her racist-not-racist Milli Vanilla halloween costume.
Then we dig into things with 'The Overnight'. CLICK HERE TO WIN TICKETS TO THE CHICAGO PREMIERE!
While there was certainly a lot to be critiqued about the movie, by and large we all enjoyed it and feel like "it's a good thing" that the movie was made, particularly in that it's a mainstream portrayal of non-traditional relationships (to some extent) as well as other homoerotic themes. We talk a lot about the ins-and-outs of the movie, but really you should just listen. There's also dong talk. Full frontal, giant dong talk.
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