The Dubplate Soundsystem No. 80-something – 01.23.2021

January 23, 2021

After a year long hiatus, The DUBPLATE SOUNDSYSTEM returns to say....hi. It's been an eventful year politically, economically, pandemically and such. This f'ing pandemic has caused unimaginable pain and suffering for people across the globe. It's certainly a time to recognize what's important and re-evaluate how we live our lives.

With the shit show of 2020 behind us, we thought it was a perfect time to bring some incredible Reggae music into the atmosphere. Your HUMBLE SELEKTAH has been sifting through the archives assembling some choice tracks for tonight's proceedings. We also hope to be joined by the kingly statesman known as PORK CHOP.

Regretfully, this is most likely our last broadcast within the splendor of STUDIO 1A. HOWEVER, your HUMBLE SELEKTAH is putting the final touches on a HOME STUDIO. We're looking forward to getting back to business on Saturday nights. Hopefully on a much more regular basis cuz one broadcast a year doesn't really cut it. We absolutely appreciate anyone that's taken time out of their lives to listen to our HUMBLE little show over the years. For anyone that's been with us since the beginning, we apologize for the disappearing act we continually pull. We're working on it.