father christopher

father christopher

Latest Episodes

Pentecost was a strange day – sermon for 24 May 2015
June 08, 2015

People though the disciples were drunk on Pentecost morning. Ecstasy, alcohol, passion, and Spirit...

Resurrection for What? – Sermon for 19 April 2015
April 21, 2015

Christ's resurrection foreshadows human destiny: to live as a royal priesthood as stewards of the renewed creation

Astounding News - sermon for Easter Sunday 2015
April 05, 2015

What if a horse started playing Beethoven? If you had never in your life encountered something new and strange and unexpected, you'd have trouble talking about it. You'd stutter and stumble. You'd be shocked and amazed. You'd maybe be a little afraid but

Experiences, not Explanations - Sermon for Maundy Thursday 2015
April 02, 2015

What does Eucharist mean? Or footwashing? I don't know. Jesus just tells us to do them. There's something about love, something about God, something about salvation or forgiveness or remembering or blessing. Lots of meanings that we discover as we go. We'

Lifted up - sermon for 15 March 2015
March 16, 2015

Moses lifted a snake up on a pole to heal the snake-bit people. Christ lifted on the cross reminds us that God has acted to save and heal us already. We need only look up, and notice, and let our hearts point towards him.

Deny yourself - sermon for 1 March 2015
March 01, 2015

To follow Jesus as lord and savior doesn't mean that we avoid suffering and want and pain in our lives. Those things are part of every life. Following Jesus, though, means walking the path of one who has been through worse and come out better, and leads u

Something to look forward to - sermon for 15 Feb 2015
February 17, 2015

very year we reach what we call "the last Sunday after Epiphany." Of course, this is the last Sunday before Lent. We always hear the gospel lesson about the Transfiguration. It's a glorious vision for Peter, James, and John, and it's a glorious vision for

Silence the demons - sermon for 08 Feb 2015
February 10, 2015

When Jesus exorcises a demon, he tells them to be silent. You ever notice that? It's because demons are weak. Their only real weapon is their words. Robbed of words, demons are powerless. Of course, their words spoken to us when we're vulnerable, sick, or

Speak with authority - sermon for 1 Feb 2015
February 02, 2015

A long sermon. Sorry about that. Jesus teaches with "authority." What does it mean to do that? And what does it have to do with Paul's advice to the Corinthians about eating or not eating meat? True authority is grounded in self-sacrificial love, and in a

Newborn - sermon for Christmas Eve 2014
December 24, 2014

"God placed his son in Mary’s womb, in Joseph’s arms, in the company of his friends, in the midst of the crowds, at the mercy of Pontius Pilate, because nothing other than divine vulnerability could show us the power of our compassion and the potentia