FastEasySuccess Marketing Insider Podcast

FastEasySuccess Marketing Insider Podcast

Episode 6-James Schramko and I Break Some "Rules"

February 04, 2014

Listen In As James Schramko and I Dive Into Juicy Nuggets Like...

*What's the real way to think about lead generation? James and I share it with you

*There's really only 3 things that make up S.E.O. and I reveal those 3 things in the first few minutes

*How James is going against the "wisdom", keeping with the so called "abandoned" method of lead generation and banking

*One the backend, most people suggest you offer the one click upsells, but James and I give another strategy that can be much more profitable (plus...i give a way a sneaky yet ethical way to gaurantee your 2nd sales message is read-100% gauranteed!)

*What's better when selling with videos...allowing just the play option, pause and play, play and fast forward, rewind and play?

We expose that plus...james reveals suprising results on something he tested as well that increased sales and go's completely against the "experts" advice on selling with videos

And Much More Waiting For You Right Now.