Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: New Year’s Resolutions

December 31, 2014

Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick share their tips and tricks for New Year’s Resolutions. Let’s be successful in 2015! We will be announcing our new ‘DoucheBomb of the week,’ along with our ‘Dick of the Week’ winner and our weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 10:00 am PST.

Podcast Summary:

1. Most common New Year’s Resolutions:

a. Lose weight

b. Be kind

c. Experience new cultures

d. I will grow spiritually

2. Setting up yourself for resolution success:

a. Create goals and objectives so you have a map to follow while obtaining your overall goal.

b. Create goals that are attainable.

c. Be motivated.

d. You will screw up but make sure you bounce back and recover. No one is perfect.

3. Honest Kim’s resolutions: give up dairy and alcohol.

4. Annie the Psychic Sidekick resolution: walk every day and volunteer.

5. Dick of the Week: Obama for forcing a couple to move their wedding because he wanted to play golf.–abc-news-topstories.html

6. Weekly Prediction: Your ora is grey but with the new year you have an opportunity to lighten it up to pink with a few new practices. Eat healthier, do something selfless once a week and try something new. Lucky numbers are 15, 1515, 2015, 12, 30, 1, and 5.

7. Next week on Taboo Topic: A few things you need to do to ditch the holiday pounds

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid Podcast Tuesdays at 10AM PT