Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid

Taboo Topics by Fashion First Aid: What to do with the bikini area?

August 05, 2014

Honest Kim and Annie the Psychic Sidekick share their tips and tricks for what to do with the bikini area, along with our ‘Dick of the Week” winner and our weekly psychic prediction. Tune in at 10:00 am PST.

Podcast Summary:

Options for a bikini area:

1. All Natural 2. Bald Eagle 3. Groomed

How to maintain:

1. Wax 2. Shave 3. Trip 4.Laser 5. Electrolysis’s tips & tricks on how to rid your bikini line of red bumps.

1) Let your hair grow out slightly before shaving or waxing again. Resisting the temptation to shave is a crucial step for a smooth bikini line. Shaving over razor bumps will only irritate the skin more and create ingrown hairs or pimple-like bumps.

2) Soak in shower/bath. Make sure you’re steamed up in the hot water for at least 5 minutes before shaving. The heat from the hot water will soften and relax the hair follicles making the skin easier to shave.

3) Exfoliate. This may be the most important step in the entire process so pay attention! Start by exfoliating your bikini area with a mild exfoliator, our personal favorite is the Kiehl’s Gently Exfoliating Body Scrub in “Grapefruit.†This will rid the area of any dead skin and help you get a closer shave.

4) Shave. It’s best to use a fresh razor because that’s when the blades are the sharpest. Although it’s easy to lather up with your bar of soap or body wash, it’s best to use a proper shaving cream. Use a shaving cream with moisturizing oils and soothing herbal extracts like the Kiehl’s Simply Mahvelous female shave cream, another one of our must haves. Begin by shaving in a downward motion with the grain of the hair. Next, to achieve a closer shave, run the razor against the grain of the hair upwards; making sure go slow to reduce any razor burn. After shaving rinse the area with warm water and pat dry.

5) Protect and moisturize! After shaving moisturize the area with a thin moisturizer and let dry. Next, our special secret to eliminating razor bumps and ingrown hairs is to apply a thin layer of mild deodorant to the bikini line after shaving. The Dove Sensitive Skin Unscented Stick is our go-to because it’s gentle and mild for such a sensitive area. Make sure to use a different deodorant stick than the one you use on your arm pits. Lastly, resist any urges to scratch the sensitive area.

Dick of the week:

1. Arwa Damon – Drunkly bitting paramedics in Bagdad

2. Allen Hall – For attacking his roommate for eating cookies for breakfast

3. French Tourist for kicking a squirrel into the grand canyon. Animal cruelty.

Weekly Prediction:

This week is hard. It is time to put on your adult hat and just do it. Don’t be insecure, be confident and know you are a strong and smart woman. If he doesn’t see you for that, cut bait.

Next week’s podcast is about Boob sweat, aka mountain dew.