Far Fetched Fables

Far Fetched Fables

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FarFetchedFables No 159 L S Johnson
May 23, 2017

"“Vendemiaire” by L.S. Johnson (Originally published in B is for Broken.) There was a time when Arianne could not see over the rows of her father’s grapevines. At the height of the summer the vineyard became a vast maze and she would follow her ...

FarFetchedFables No 158 Jonathan Laidlow
May 17, 2017

"“Inundated” by Jonathan Laidlow (Originally published in Ecotones.) Yuri woke up to the sound of waves breaking at the end of the street, and knew that the undines had breached the final defences. Even his house, one of the furthest from the ha...

FarFetchedFables No 157 Michael McGlade
May 09, 2017

“Another Beginning” by Michael McGlade (Originally published in Shimmer #29.) The Real Beginning Ógán loses Niamh to his best friend Malachy. Ógán and Niamh had been high school sweethearts, and the three of them had been inseparable -- the Three Bl...

FarFetchedFables No 156 Barbara Barnett
May 01, 2017

"Main Story: “What the Blood Bog Takes” by Barbara A. Barnett Originally published in Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show #47.)On the Day of Sacrifice, my sister Asthore and I wait at the blood bog's edge, our feet sink...

FarFetchedFables No 155 Claude Laumiere
April 25, 2017

"“The Ministry of Sacred Affairs” by Claude Lalumière (Originally published in Here Be Monsters #7: Tongues and Teeth.) Lost in music, it takes some time for Leo to register that Rosa is calling his name, that her hand is trembling on his should...

FarFetchedFables No. 154 - Nisi Shawl
April 18, 2017

"Main Story: “Wallamelon” by Nisi Shawl (Originally published in Aeon #3.) The boys ran ahead of her as she walked, and circled back again like little dogs. Kevin urged her onto the path that cut across the vacant lot beside his house. Mercy was...

FarFetchedFables No 153 Robert Silverberg
April 11, 2017

“The Sorcerer's Aprpentice” by Robert Silverberg Originally published in Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy.) Gannin Thidrich was nearing the age of thirty and had come to Triggoin to study the art of sorcery, a profession for which he thought ...

FarFetchedFables No 152 Premee Mohamad
April 04, 2017

"“The Adventurer's Wife” by Premee Mohamad (Originally published in She Walks In Shadows.) It was not till after the adventurer had been interred that we learned that the man had been married. My editor, Cheltenwick, did not even let the gr...

FarFetchedFables No 151 Scott Huggins
March 28, 2017

"“The Blind Queen's Daughter” by Scott Huggins (Originally published in Hides the Dark Tower.) The heavy mauls swung inward, the only thunder in the soft morning rain. The priests watched, trembling. The small man from Arabia stared hungril...

FarFetchedFables No 150 Mattew Hughes
March 21, 2017

"This Week: “The Inn of the Seven Blessings” by Matthew Hughes (Originally published in Rogues.) The thief Raffalon was sleeping away the noon-day heat behind some bracken a short distance from the forest road when the noise of the struggle awak...