Fan Wonderland

Fan Wonderland

Episode Fifty One: In Discussion with Mala Forever

August 18, 2019

Fan Wonderland welcomes Mala Forever creators Nina & Jessie to discuss their dream for Mala Forever Presents. TJ, Nina & Jessie discuss how social media affects how art is shared, how Mala Forever incorporates all art forms from poetry to photography to video, and how that sets it apart from mainstream magazines and more.
Content Warning: Infrequent Coarse Language

Mala Forever Link:

Episode Notes: There are a few audio glitches around 44 minutes in on Nina & Jessies’ end.
There is also a time delay between questions and answers due to location and connection during the interview. This isn’t intentional silence, merely a slight delay in the connection.

Episode Cover designed by Fan Wonderland
Cover Images provided by Mala Forever