

Fight The New Drug...

April 24, 2012

During the Victorian era movement, in the 1850s, England passed the first laws against por.nog.raphy. The laws did not stop the prolific spread of por.nog.raphy and may have actually increased demand. In the 1970's and 1980's, the extreme feminists took up the banner of the anti-po.rn movement. Their approach was bellicose and divisive and focused on passing laws that were eventually found to be unconstitutional. Learning from the past, Fight the New Drug takes a non-legislative, non-judgmental approach. We recognize an individual's right to view and produce por.nog.raphy, however, once they are educated on the harmful effects of por.nog.raphy we believe they will choose to avoid it. We only wish to educate about the negative effects of por.nog.raphy on individuals, families, and businesses. In our research, we've found that many people, especially Americans, automatically assume that the anti-por.nog.raphy movement is at odds with First Amendment freedoms. Under that perception, people are asked to weigh the importance of free speech against the damaging effects of por.nog.raphy. Fight the New Drug rejects this perception and we will position ourselves as anti-po.rn, pro-free speech. Fight the New Drug's message is based on science and facts. In a sense, science is an international currency. We explain why po.rn is harmful by educating people about the negative psychological and physical reactions it causes. We do not affiliate ourselves with any religious groups or political agendas. This movement is the result of many years spent developing ideas and researching the effects of por.nog.raphy. Taking a fresh approach to the issue, we're a non-profit organization dedicated to help the young generation educate itself with the facts on por.nog.raphy. We hope you will join us in this fight.