Redeeming the Chaos

Redeeming the Chaos

Family Fruit Challenge – Meet our Guests!

June 15, 2021

Teach your kids about the Fruit of the Spirit — A Summer Family Fruit Challenge

Do you want to be intentional about raising kids who love God, show kindness to others, fill the room with joy and demonstrate self-control?

Join me this summer for a fun, family challenge focused on the Fruit of the Spirit.

Welcome to Episode 26 of Redeeming the Chaos with Laurie Christine.

I know summers can be a little crazy. It’s easy to get caught up in the activities and before you know it, back to school we go! 

Let’s take advantage of the extra time with our kids.  Join us as we learn about the fruits of the Spirit and learn to rely on God to produce His fruit in the lives of our kids!


So, I’m excited to tell you all about my Summer Family Fruit Challenge.  You can find more information at


* A short, weekly devotional about one of the fruits of the Spirit, contributed by 9 different guest writers (10 weeks total, including intro), delivered straight to your inbox!  (Keep reading to learn more about each of our guest writers!)

* Printable memory verse cards about the fruit of the week.

* Printable picture cards to display in your home that show a child demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit.

* Links to activities, songs, games, and crafts that will help your children learn about the fruit of the week.

* Ideas to help motivate your kids to put into practice what they’ve learned.

* Oh, and by the way, it’s totally FREE!


* When you sign up for the challenge, you’ll receive a reminder email every Monday morning starting June 14th. The email will include a link to the blog post for the week where you’ll find the devotional, printable verse cards and activities.* Did you miss a few weeks already?  No worries!!  Just go to and click on any of the images to be taken to the lesson for that week.  And then be sure to sign up to have the rest delivered to your inbox each week this summer!  


The Summer Family Fruit Challenge begins this week!  The first lesson was posted on Monday, June 14th.  You can find the first lesson HERE. You could also go to and click on the image for Week 1 and you’ll be taken to the devotional and activities for Week 1.  Then be sure to sign up for the challenge so you get the rest of the devotionals delivered directly to your inbox every week.