Family 360 Podcast

Family 360 Podcast

Latest Episodes

Ep. 18 | Brian and Joyce Doerksen | Parenting Through Shifting Expectations
July 21, 2020

In this episode, Brian and Joyce Doerksen describe their lament, learning and shifting expectations as they journey through the unanticipated diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome upon their six children. Fragile X is the #1 inherited mental disorder with mi...

Ep. 17 | Marcus Mosely | The Restorative Practice Of Music
July 07, 2020

In this episode, musician and producer Marcus Mosely shares his deep understanding of music as a wonderfully vibrant source of connection to our inner selves and to others. He shares from his 4 prolific decades as a performer,

Ep. 16 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience Pt. 2
June 22, 2020

In this episode, author and parenting educator Maggie Dent explains, “Resilience isn’t a trait you are born with, it is determined by the systems we live within.” These systems include family, school and faith systems alongside a capacity to help other...

Ep. 15 | Maggie Dent | The Road To Resilience Pt. 1
June 09, 2020

Maggie Dent is an Australian parenting author, educator and speaker as well as the host of ABC’s Parental As Anything podcast. Known in Australia as the “Queen Of Common Sense”, Maggie specializes in resilience training,

Ep. 14 | Dr. Ken Ginsburg | Teens in the Time of COVID
May 26, 2020

In this episode, Dr. Ken Ginsburg describes our current world crisis as a generation defining moment. The loss of school, sports, activities and experience outside of home all cause unique levels of stress for teens. As well,

Ep. 13 | Muriel Endersby | Learning To Read, Reading To Learn
May 12, 2020

In this episode, author and educator Muriel Endersby shares from her five decades as a literacy specialist. Literacy is a basic currency for knowledge and the gateway to human progress. Alongside education, literacy is deemed the right of a child,

Ep. 12 | David Anderson | The Riskiness of Life and Love
April 28, 2020

In this episode, environmental educator David Anderson describes his work with international environmental organization A Rocha, inspiring communities to practically engage and steward their neighbourhoods. -

Ep. 11 | Luci Shaw | The Crime Of Living Cautiously
April 14, 2020

In this episode, poet, publisher and author Luci Shaw describes what she calls, “The crime of living cautiously.” Luci loves the idea that we can say to a child, “Look this way! There is something fresh to enter into your life,

Ep. 10 | Dr. Vanessa Lapointe + David Loyst | Adapting In An Age of Anxiety
March 31, 2020

This episode walks the uprooted and unsettled ground of our world health pandemic. Life is disrupted and stress and anxiety are natural responses in the midst of health, financial and family concern.  Child Psychologist Dr.

Ep. 9 | Raffi | All We Really Need
March 18, 2020

In this episode, beloved children’s troubadour, environmental activist, and author Raffi, offers his holistic vision for honouring children and respecting the earth. He says,“If we are serious in our desire to give our best to the young,
