Faith on the Edge Podcast

Faith on the Edge Podcast

Latest Episodes

How to Avoid the Literalist Trap
February 23, 2021

by Steve KindleIt is said that the Bible can be used to prove anything. We've got all sorts of millennialists, faith healers, prosperity preachers, last days theorists, and even flat-earthers., just to name a few.

Reimagining Church (with Eric Elnes)
February 17, 2021

The church in America is losing members at an alarming rate, especially among the Millennials and younger groups. The fastest-growing religious self-designation is "no religious affiliation," the "Nones." The reason most often given: irrelevancy. Dr.

Thank God for Critical Scholars
February 11, 2021

Critical biblical scholarship has opened up the Bible as never before. We owe a large debt of gratitude to all those since Jean Astruc first asked critical questions of the Bible. One of the most meaningful realities of the Bible is that it argues with...

Apocalyptic Theology: A Bane on the New Testament
February 02, 2021

Anyone moving from the Hebrew Bible to the New Testament is immediately confronted with a very different world of understanding. The Hebrew Bible knows of no eternal life, Hell, Satan as the arch-enemy of God, or a final judgment,

What Is the Trinity in the 21st Century?
January 27, 2021

The Trinity as articulated in the Nicene Creed (325 CE) took a long time to arrive and an even longer time to understand. Most attempts to describe its meaning end in one heresy or another. To help us with this I've invited two theologians who have aut...

In the Face of Insurrection
January 20, 2021

Never in my lifetime, and probably yours, has America witnessed such a direct attack on its democracy from within as occurred on January 6th with the assault on the Capitol in Washington, D.C. In this episode, Dr.

God Simply Can’t!
January 11, 2021

We're all familiar with the bogus question, "Can God create a rock so heavy that God can't lift it?" Illogical questions such as this should not be considered worthy of a response. However, there are many questions, mostly ethical,

The Problem with the Bible
January 06, 2021

There's a problem with the Bible? Yes, but it's not the Bible's fault! In this interview with one of the most productive scholars of the New Testament, Dr. Ron Allen, we look at how the Bible has been variously interpreted and why there is so much disa...

Episode 1: Why Listen to Faith on the Edge?
November 24, 2020

This is our inaugural episode. We answer the question, "Why should I spend time listening to this podcast?" It's short (9 minutes), so if it's not for you, you can quickly move on. We do hope you'll subscribe. Podcasts will resume in January 2021
