Faith on the Edge Podcast

Faith on the Edge Podcast

Episode 1: Why Listen to Faith on the Edge?

November 24, 2020

This is our inaugural episode. We answer the question, "Why should I spend time listening to this podcast?"
It's short (9 minutes), so if it's not for you, you can quickly move on. We do hope you'll subscribe.
Podcasts will resume in January 2021
Future episodes will include experts in many of these categories:
What Is Progressive Christianity? Why Is It Necessary Today?
How the Bible Shapes Progressive Christianity
What Are Progressive Biblical Interpretive Values?
What to Make of  Adam and Eve in the 21st century
Living into an Open-ended Future
Apocalyptic Influence on the New Testament (including the origin of Satan, end-time judgment, world annihilation, and "The Late, Great Planet Earth"))
The "New Testament Church." What is it (if anything)?